Interesting Articles Today

The first one is this (Losing faith in the startup where I’m employee #1) and the second one is this (First employee of startup? You are probably getting screwed). Interesting reads for today.

Quote of the day (by mzarate06):

During meetings, I always feel like a killjoy by attempting to be realistic … about the brand new idea they come up with every other week and that I need to get started on right when the meeting ends.

I tire from that very thing, very quickly. I’ve worked with too many “idea” guys that always want to see 10 ideas started, vs. 1 completed and executed really well. Maybe they’re trying to find that 1 great idea by trying out many, but a lot of times I see startups start one thing without finishing another. In the end, after XYZ time frame, the company really doesn’t have 1 solid feature to show for it, only multiple half ass ones.

What’s worse, at least from what I’ve experienced, is that a lot of those ideas or features are secondary, or tertiary, with regard to what the core product should really support